Comprehensive Plan

A comprehensive plan is a guiding policy document for a community. Built upon an understanding of current conditions, expected trends, identified needs, and aspirational vision for the future, a comprehensive plan allows a city to focus its resources. Successful plans are grounded in community ownership and are actively used in the city decision-making process.

The South Carolina Local Government Comprehensive Planning Enabling Act of 1994 (hereafter, the 1994 Act) requires all South Carolina counties and incorporated communities (cities) to have an adopted comprehensive plan and update it every ten years, with revisions every five years between plan updates. In addition to the timeframe, this Act establishes the purpose as well as the process communities are to follow in creating their comprehensive plans.

With a foundation of previous planning efforts, citizen involvement, stakeholder input, and city direction, builds upon a self-evaluation of needs and issues to provide a road map for accomplishing shared future goals. This plan delivers detailed guidance to decision-makers, residents, property owners, businesses, and those interested in the City of Greer's future — offering direction on how the community can accomplish its vision through phased strategic actions.

Previous Plans