The City of Greer Public Services Department wants to let people living in Greer know about some trash collection protocols.
“We’ve had a couple call ins lately, where we have seen residence placed personal trash, cans out at the curb along with the city of Greer trashcan, and the personal trashcan is something that our trash collector will not pick up,” Public Services Director Travis Durham said.
Director Travis Durham says if you need an extra trash can, you can purchase one for $75 and they will deliver it to your home.
“That can be purchased through the Public Services office or it can be purchased through the clerks office here at City Hall,” Durham said.
Additionally, some trash collection routes have changed timing.
“We have noticed that may be some of the route schedules have changed slightly and that has presented somewhat of an issue to our residents,” Durham said.
He says to put your trashcan by the curb during a specific time period.
“So ensure the trashcan is out at the curb by 7 AM and then back at the residence by 7:30 PM that evening per our ordinance,” Durham said.
That way, he says, you can ensure your trash will be collected.
“We can’t totally guarantee when the trash will come by. We can just say what day it will be,” Durham said.

Trash Collection Updates
February 16, 2024