Crime Prevention for Businesses

Crime prevention is a pattern of attitudes and behaviors directed both at reducing the threat of crime and enhancing the sense of safety and security, to positively influence the quality of life in our society and to help develop environments where crime cannot flourish.
The National Crime Prevention Council
One of the fundamental functions of government is to protect its citizens. However, despite the best efforts of the criminal justice system, crime in the United States continues to flourish. Citizen involvement is an essential part of the fight against crime in the City of Greer. Law enforcement needs the help of citizens who will watch, report, and testify — actions that are critical in the identification, arrest and prosecution of criminals. Citizens should be trained and encouraged to follow basic economic crime prevention techniques, which can lessen their likelihood of becoming targets of criminal activity.
Often, the fear of crime far outweighs the actual crime problem. Some people become so overwhelmed with this undue fear that their actions and peace of mind become impaired. On the other hand, some citizens are grossly unaware of how easily they can become crime victims. They often fail to take the necessary precautions that could greatly reduce this risk.
Crime Prevention offers a realistic middle ground to this dilemma by providing common sense rules for safe living. When law enforcement and citizens follow this simple approach, they greatly reduce the chances they will be victimized. Adopting the crime prevention practices included in this document can lead to safer living habits.
On these pages, the City of Greer Police Department offers tips to help businesses reduce their risk of falling victims to criminal acts. Please use the links to learn more about securing your business and how Greer PD can assist.