Facility/Park Projects

Wards Creek Trail
A proposed part of the City's Greenway Program, the Wards Creek Trail would connect Greer City Park to Biblebrook Dr. by way of a walking and biking trail.
An introductory public meeting was held with residents on November 9, 2022, to discuss easements, trail width, surfacing, implementation and general design intent. Tripp Barrineau, Project Manager with the Keck & Wood civil engineering firm, said the current goal is to gauge residents' support for the trail and to collect feedback on the proposal.
“We are in the planning stages of design to determine a feasible route for the trail. Survey, engineering, and permitting efforts have not begun,” Barrineau said. “The purpose and intent for the public meeting was to gauge support and identify partnerships with citizens for the use of private property. Obtaining easements will be the most important step in the process. Without easement granting and community support, the construction of the trail will be unfeasible.”
Comments may be submitted to Barrineau via email or by post to:
300 Technology Center Way
Suite 400
Rock Hill, SC 29730