Creative Advancement Afterschool Program
Contact Us
Dan Dudley
President of Creative Advancement Centers
Email Dan Dudley
Phone: 864-423-7555
Fax: 864-439-5471
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 2474
Greer, SC 29652
Creative Advancement Afterschool Program
Victor Park Gym
108 S Line Street
Greer, SC 29651
The Creative Advancement Centers’ mission is to seek to provide a safe haven and a better life for today’s children and to give them encouragement for the future through education and a positive vision. The program is a comprehensive model of youth learning and support to improve academic achievement for at-risk students through a community-school partnership. The activities selected for this program are based on tried and proven methods of employing community-based approaches to better fit the target population.
About Us
Creative Advancement Centers provide after-school scholastic and creative activities for Greenville County Schools from grades Kindergarten through 12. We achieve this by working together as a community with the public school system, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, Parks and Recreation departments, churches, etc., offering an array of structured programs that enhance the students’ abilities academically, intellectually, creatively, socially, and physically.
With the help of enthusiastic professionals, certified teachers, volunteers and eager college students, Creative Advancement Centers will enable students to search and find their area(s) of interests. The extensive variety of subjects, tutoring assistance, etc. can be provided to young people in a safe environment, which otherwise would not be available to them. The Creative Advancement Centers will help our children improve in bringing our children’s grade point average and retention rates up to the State standard.
Daily Schedule
The program begins with an hour of tutored help with homework and is followed with 30 minutes to an hour of instructional teaching based on subject needs. Then, the students and their family members have the opportunity to discover strengths and pursue talents through varied options made available to them. Finally, the student can partake of a nutritional, well-balanced meal.
Field Trips & Activities
Students have gone on field trips to:
Atlanta, Georgia
Charlotte Bobcats basketball games
Furman football games
Plays at the Bonds Center in Greer
Washington D.C.
The Creative Advancement Centers are collaborative partners with the City of Greer and the Greenville County School System.
Dan Dudley, President
Dan Dudley, president of the Creative Advancement Centers, started this important program four years ago at Victor Park Gym, which is located in Greer, South Carolina, with 28 students attending daily. The second year, 42 attended daily, and attendance has grown steadily since. Contact Dan Dudley at 864-423-7555 or by email by clicking the button below to inquire about admission.