Fire Marshal

What We Do

The City of Greer Fire Marshal’s Office is responsible for fire code enforcement, investigating fires for origin and cause, and conducting regular inspections to ensure that new and existing structures meet fire code standards. The goal of the office is to protect the community and its residents from devastating and potentially fatal fires through educational programs and active code enforcement.

The office also oversees the safe transport and use of explosives and liquid petroleum gas, the proper use of fireworks, and ensures safety in special occupancy situations.

Schedule an Inspection

If you need to schedule an inspection or have questions regarding fire codes in your home or place of business, contact either the Fire Marshal’s Office and one of them will be glad to assist you.

Fire Permit Applications

Contractors, please apply for permits in eTrakit .


Scott Keeley
Division Chief of Community Risk Reduction/ Fire Marshal
Phone: 864-848-2169
Email Scott Keeley

Carl Howell
Deputy Fire Marshal
Phone: 864-416-0122
Email Carl Howell

Randall Hipp
Deputy Fire Marshal
Phone: 864-968-7036
Email Randall Hipp

John Polson
Deputy Fire Marshal
Email John Polson