The Unified Development Ordinance was adopted by City Council on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 and immediately went into effect.
New Zoning Map
As part of the UDO, the City will also adopt a new complementary Zoning Map. All properties in the City will be assigned a new zoning district and development standards; however, they will be the closest classification to existing zoning and will retain primary intent. For example, all R-10, Residential District properties will convert to Suburban Neighborhood, which is still a single-family residential district.
Click to view the Zoning Conversion Chart
Please visit the Draft Zoning Map site below and enter your address to find out existing and proposed zoning. If your address isn't found, use your tax map number or contact staff for assistance at pz@cityofgreer.org or (864) 801-2009.
How can I learn more?
The City recently hosted five public meetings on September 13th and September 14th to give residents an opportunity to learn more, ask questions and provide feedback. Below you will find meeting materials, including presentation, handouts and posters.
Public Comment and Question Tracking
Adoption Schedule
October 16 | Planning Commission Public Hearing and Recommendation
City Hall | 6:30 pm
November 14 | City Council First Reading
City Hall | 6:30 pm
TBD; Potentially November 28 | City Council Second and Final Reading
City Hall | 6:30 pm
Who can I contact for questions about the UDO?
The City of Greer Planning staff is responsible for administering the UDO and Zoning Map as it relates to zoning and development. Please email pz@cityofgreer.org, or call the planning line at (864) 201-2009 to speak with one of our three planners.
What is Zoning?
Zoning laws control most aspects of property development including:
The uses allowed on a property;
The minimum size of a lot;
How tall buildings can be;
What percentage of the lot buildings can cover and/or how much open space is required;
Parking requirements;
The density for all development; and
Which uses require a public hearing and how much public review is required for something to be approved.
What is the Zoning Map?
The Zoning Map is the City’s Official (adopted) Map which identifies and delineates each of the City’s zoning districts. All properties are assigned a specific zoning which is used to regulate “uses” (e.g. residential, commercial, or industrial), the size of buildings, and how buildings relate to other buildings, streets and other uses.
What is the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO)?
The UDO is a consolidated document which contains all of the City’s land use and development requirements. Which uses require a public hearing and how much public review is required for something to be approved.
What land area does the UDO regulate?
All provisions of the UDO apply to lands within the corporate limits as identified on the official zoning map of the City
Does my zoning district affect my taxes?
The zoning of your property does not affect or impact property taxes. Zoning determines the allowable uses of the property, but zoning itself does not factor into the property value assessment that determines property taxes
Why does the City need to update its zoning ordinance and zoning map?
While the City has experienced exponential growth over the last two decades, its codes have not kept pace.
While there have been additions and modifications throughout the years, the City’s Zoning Ordinance and LDR have not gone through a full review or update since their inception. The City desires a UDO that is user-friendly, consistent with state and federal statutes, and reflects contemporary zoning and subdivision practices.
What is the relationship between the 2020 Comprehensive Plan and UDO?
The 2030 Comprehensive Plan serves as a long-range guide that established development-related vision statements and action items. The UDO will serve as an implementation tool for many of the goals set forth in the 2030 Comprehensive Plan.