Solicitors, Canvassers and Peddlers
Collectively known as "Peddlers" or "Peddler"
Who is considered a Peddler?
Any person who, resident or not traveling by foot, wagon, bicycle, any type of motor vehicle, or any type of conveyance going place to place, homes, businesses or streets, public or private, who offers or attempts to offer for sale any item of goods, wares and merchandise or service for present or future delivery, or any person selling any product on a temporary basis for any area outside a building within the city.
Below are some of the most common peddlers, however peddlers are not limited to the following:
Solar Panel Companies
Pest Control Companies
Alarm and Internet Companies
Vacuum Companies

Must obtain a city Business License
Must obtain a Peddlers Permit
Must provide valid drivers license or ID
Background check, preformed by city staff
Rules and Regulations:
Must wear sponsor business ID at all times
Must carry the Peddlers Permit and Business License
Only solicit between the hours of 9am and 7pm (not at any time on Sunday)
Entering a subdivision or private property with a clear posting of "no soliciting" is prohibited
Do you need a Business License and Peddlers Permit?
Complete the Business License Information Sheet and Peddlers Permit Application and email to
If you have questions, comments or complaints regarding Peddlers please contact the Business License office or the Non-Emergency Police Department at 864-848-2151.