Neighborhood Tool Shed

The Neighborhood Tool Shed is a tool lending program for residents who do not have the resources to maintain their yards. The Neighborhood Tool Shed is filled with everything you may need to maintain your yard.
How it works
Step 1: Apply
City residents who want to borrow tools or the entire tool shed must provide proof of residency (ID and utility bill) and fill out an application before using the tool shed. Applications will be approved on a case-by-case basis. Priority for lending will be given to residents with active code cases.
Step 2: Receive
You can borrow one tool or the whole neighborhood tool shed. Rentals can vary from 1-3 days depending on your needs. Please make sure that your vehicle has enough space to transport the tool that you request or public services can transport based on availability. If you are borrowing the entire tool shed, public services will transport it to and from your neighborhood.
Step 3: Share
After you are done beautifying your yard or neighborhood, share a photo with us on social media!
Step 4: Return
When you are done with the tools, make sure they get back to public services at the agreed upon time or arrange for them to be picked up if needed.
Step 5: Repeat
Public services will have the tools ready for your next project!
Qualifications for this program will be determined on a case by case basis and a Neighborhood Tool Shed Application must be filled out. Priority for lending will be given to residents with active code cases.
Reach out to Public Services for more information by calling (864) 848-2184 or by emailing Tiwana Fields.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Greer Neighborhood Services exists to help connect you with your neighbors. The Neighbors Helping Neighbors program connects local volunteers to residents that are in need of assistance with common property code violations. Those who are not able to correct violations because of physical or financial hardship my find assistance through Neighborhood Services. Examples of eligible violations may include:
Damaged fence removal/repair
Minimal tree trimming/removal
Minor exterior home repair
Trash removal
Available tools
Drill Kits
Extension Cords
Hedge Trimmers
Lawn Mowers
Leaf Blowers
Step Ladders
Weed Eaters