The City of Greer Police Department Community Outreach Team gathered recently to enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation at Green Laundry Lounge.
{Sgt Ashley wright//Greer Police Department}
“We’ve talked about law-enforcement. We’ve talked about our experiences. We’ve talked about our city and we’ve even talked about our kids,” Sgt. Ashley Wright said.
Sgt. Ashley Wright is over the team, and says events like Coffee with a Cop are easy ways to meet the people they protect every day.
“Our purpose at the police department to go out and make positive community interactions, and good positive relationships,” Wright said.
{Officer Scott broome//school resource officer}
“It’s always enjoyable to talk to the community when they have questions,” Officer Scott Broome said.
That’s Officer Scott Broome, one of Greer’s school resource officers. He gets involved in these events when school is out for the summer.
“When we come out and talk to the people and answer questions if they have them just general law-enforcement questions. We try to answer their questions and let them know a little bit about our career field,” Broome said.
Both he and Sgt. Wright hope events like Coffee with a Cop leave a positive impact on the people who take the time to speak with them.
“You can put a name to the face and not just an anonymous cop sitting out there somebody stopping you for a traffic infraction. It helps to personalize the police department I think,” Broome said.
“We can get to know our neighborhood and get to know our community, so that way, if anybody in our neighborhood or our community ever needs us, they feel comfortable enough to come to us and ask for help,” Wright said.