Trash & Yard Waste

Hurricane Helene Updates
In the immediate aftermath of the storm, City of Greer Public Services crews collected 136 truckloads of debris totaling 3,400 cubic yards.
The city currently is working with SCDOT on debris removal.
Update as of 12/13/24
SCDOT crews will begin their final sweep of state and city-owned roads in city limits on January 1, 2025.
We urge people to have their debris by the curb by January 1 to ensure it gets collected.
This does not mean all collections will occur on January 1.
The city will not have information on when DOT crews will be in your neighborhood, if they have already been to your neighborhood, or the routes they are running.
Please be aware that the county is responsible for debris on county roads and will not follow this schedule.
Learn more about SCDOT debris removal here.
Here’s what you need to know:
Put any yard debris curbside to be picked up
Do not put any trash bags, construction materials, or other items with your debris or it will not be collected
Place debris along the curb and out of the road (green box). We cannot guarantee our equipment will be able to reach the debris piled in your yard (red box).
Do not wait to put your debris at the curb, as we cannot guarantee when the contracted crews will be in specific neighborhoods.

Please note the city will not have information on when DOT crews will be in your neighborhood, if they have already been to your neighborhood, or the routes they are running.
We appreciate your continued patience as staff works as quickly as possible to clean up our city.
Learn more about the SCDOT debris removal here:

A reminder to begin piling debris on the side of the road, safely out of the roadway. You can report issues on a state-maintained roadway by calling 855-467-2368.
Trash Collection Feedback
The Public Services Department welcomes your comments about trash collection service. Please call (864) 848-2184 with any comments or concerns..
Trash Containers
The City of Greer provides rollout containers (green carts with "City of Greer" stamped on them) to residents for the storage and disposal of household garbage only. The city contracts with Meridian Waste to collect this garbage curbside once per week from every city residence on an arranged schedule Monday through Friday. If you do not know the day on which your garbage is to be collected, please refer to the Trash Collection Schedule page.
If you are in need of a replacement trash cart or a new trash cart, email our Public Service Administrative Assistants ( and
If you are in need of a second trash cart or a yard waste cart please fill out the form below and email it to the Business Office (
Cart prices are as follows:
Replacement or second cart: $75
Yard Waste cart: $55
If you move, please leave the rollout and recycling container at the residence and call the Public Services Department at 864-848-2184 so that it may be collected. The City of Greer maintains ownership of the containers.
Inclement weather or major holidays may occasionally force the weekly schedule to be altered, but every effort is made to reschedule collection for that week. Should this happen, notice of the new schedule will be posted to the City of Greer website and social media channels. For the holiday collection schedule, please see the link above.
"At the House" Service
Any resident who is physically unable to place the container at the curb will receive "at the house" service. The resident must provide proof that he or she is incapable of transporting the container and that no person capable of doing so lives at the residence. Any resident who requires this service should call the Public Services Department at (864) 848-2184.
Yard Waste
Please note that any contractor working for a city resident is responsible for collecting and removing debris from that project. Trees that are cut, topped, or removed must be cleaned up and removed by the homeowner. Soil, sod, and other excavated material will not be collected.
Grass, leaves (except during fall leaf collection), and small hedge trimmings must be bagged for collection. Debris may be place in readily available lawn and leaf bags with a capacity of no more than 39 gallons.
Tree Limbs & Bush Trimmings
A limited quantity (up to an amount of one truck load or approximately eight cubic yards) of tree limbs and bush trimmings will be collected curbside at any residence on a weekly basis. Materials should be piled as neatly as possible along the curb or edge of the street, preferably with all cut ends laid in the same direction. Limbs must be no larger than 6 feet in length and 6 inches in diameter.