S.C. Freedom of Information Act
S.C. Code 30-4-10 through 30-4-165

In accordance with state law, the City of Greer provides the public with access to its public records and documents in an accurate, timely and professional manner.

Please note that the law stipulates that any information provided must not be used to contact any person directly for the purpose of commercial solicitation and the City reserves the right to request the purpose for any information sought.

How to Make a FOIA Request

All requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act should be submitted through the City of Greer Public Records Center. If this is your first online Public Records Request, you are encouraged to create an account, giving you the ability to track and monitor your public records request.

Please be as specific as possible about what you are requesting. If you are not specific enough, or are not requesting records, you will be asked for clarification that may delay fulfillment of the request.

Don't make overly broad requests, ask for information that requires the creation of new records, or ask for interpretation of information for you.

Ex: Please provide an Excel spreadsheet of when the Fire Department responded to 123 Main Street. How far back do these records go?

Do be as specific as possible, clearly identify the records you want, include relevant dates and names, and state your request is made under FOIA.

Ex: Please provide any and all Fire Department incident reports for 123 Main Street.

For requests requiring significant employee resources, the City of Greer may charge reasonable costs for providing documents or information and may not release information until payment in full is received.  Fees are subject to change and may be waived or reduced if it is determined that the waiver or reduction is primarily to benefit the general public.

Access the City of Greer Public Records Center

records center image

Access the Public Records Center